Honor the moment. Breathe it in. Let it invigorate you. This is a living concept, brought to life by your belief in self, your brilliance, and your commitment to honoring both. This is not rooted in perfection. It is grounded in balance and the commitment to your desires, ideas, and visions of the future.

Routine and Ritual is founded on three elements: talents, somatics, and mystics.

Each one works to fulfill the whole (you.)


the measurement of resources given or acquired, the weight of them. these resources include time, money, and opportunity.

our tools that measure time + resources:

  • annual
  • day to day
  • currency
routine and ritual's logo for somatics, their collection of body wellness planners.


of or relating to the body, the vessel.
tools that aid in wellness:

  • cycles


of or relating to the abstract and inspirational, relating to the spirit. these can be dreams, ideas, prophecies, and manifestations.

tools that aid in wellness:

  • divination

Birthed by creative visionary, scottie., Routine and Ritual is inspired by the 4 generations of farmers in her family, the sweetness of a summertime watermelon, and the balance life demands. She seeks to ground and inspire other creative and visionary people.